Custom Flash Sale Integration - Shopify Overselling Solution

Custom Flash Sale Integration - Shopify Overselling Solution

🕒 Within 3 Days

Shopify seperti yang kita kenal dapat menangani high traffic tanpa batas, tapi tetap memiliki resiko terutama bagi merchant di Indonesia yang menggunakan metode pembayaran pihak ketiga seperti yang disebutkan pada link berikut,


External payment providers
An external payment provider is a service that directs customers to complete their payment outside of Shopify, and includes payment options that allow paying later or partial payments. These payment options can result in overselling of merchandise, because of the time needed to transmit the checkout to a third-party service and back again with completed payment information. If you offer a payment option like this, then consider disabling it for the duration of your sale.


Masalah inilah yang seringkali ditemui oleh merchant dengan business model Flash Sale, Webhunt & Traffic yang sangat tinggi dalam waktu yang bersamaan. 
Dan dengan skenario buruk dalam mengimplementasikan metode Flash Sale / Webhunt Di Shopify maka banyak kendala yang akan anda temui seperti,

  • Overselling / Stok Inventory Minus
  • Gagal memenuhi jadwal pengiriman tepat waktu
  • Reputasi brand anda menjadi buruk
  • Sulit mengontrol inventory


Namun hal ini bukan berarti tanpa solusi! 
Berdasarkan banyaknya studi kasus klien kami telah dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan custom integration.

Dengan solusi ini maka inilah beberapa keuntungan yang anda dapatkan,

  • Tidak perlu buffering STOK!
  • Tanpa metode pembayaran manual
  • Abandoned checkouts Shopify tetap aktif
  • Transaksi Shopify terkoneksi Google Analytics 



  • Xendit Payment Gateway
  • Indonesia Shopify Merchant

Estimated time to completion:

  • 3 Days


  • Forever free support after job complete


Custom Flash Sale Integration - Shopify Overselling Solution

Our team expert will come up with a solution that is feasible for you and provides consumers with value at the same time.

However, it can often be difficult to expand or add new functionality in your Shopify store; however, we can help you do it according to your preferences to help you achieve your success along with its Shopify experts!